

Registered with AMFI: Yes

Date of Initial Registration: 31/03/2003

AMFI Registration Number: ARN-3086

Current Validity of ARN - 20 / Mar / 2025

As per SEBI circular: SEBI Regulatory Registration Nos-BSE/NSE Single Regn No.:INZ000186336, and' in line with our best practices following are details of the comparative commission earned by Asit C Mehta Investment Interrmediates Ltd from various AMCs, whose products are being distributed:

Fund Categories Upfront Income Trail 1 Year
Balanced & Equity Schemes 0% 0.45%-1.25%
Arbitrage 0% 0.40%-0.65%
Sector/Thematic Funds 0% 0.50%-1.50%
Debt - Liquid/Overnight 0% 0.02%-0.10%
Debt - Ultra Short-term 0% 0.10%-0.50%
Debt - Ultra Short-term 0% 0.25%-0.75%
Debt - Dynamic/Gilt (Incl. Gilt) 0% 0.40%-1.00%
Debt - Corporate/Banking & PSU 0% 0.25%-0.40%

The above commission details are broad range for different categories of mutual funds done by us. Details of Scheme level commission on Mutual funds are available with the Relationship Managers and would be produced on demand.

This is on a best effort basis and commission rates are updated as and when actual rates are received from AMCs.